New York FFA Leadership Training Foundation Celebrates Unprecedented Success of 2024 Give FFA Day Campaign
In a resounding celebration of unwavering support for FFA, Todd Lighthall, Executive Director of the New York FFA Leadership Training Foundation, Inc., proudly announces the unprecedented success of the 2024 Give FFA Day campaign. Held in conjunction with National FFA Week, the initiative not only surpassed previous years' achievements but set new records for participation and fundraising, benefiting FFA students in agricultural education.
New York State emerged as the top participant among the 52 state and territory associations in the campaign, securing 15.6% of the National FFA Organization's 2,509 donations. This accomplishment is particularly noteworthy as New York represents less than 1% of the organization's total membership. The state's commitment to FFA students and agricultural education was clearly demonstrated on a national scale.
Of the 391 donors, 143 were first-time contributors, constituting 36% of the total. This surge in first-time donors reflects 367% increase, highlighting the campaign's ability to engage and attract new supporters. The financial success of the campaign is equally remarkable, with a total of $108,215 raised. New York's contribution was 8.1% of National’s total of $1,332,067, further emphasizing the state's outsized impact on the nationwide effort.
The campaign gained early momentum through the commitment of five generous and forward-thinking supporters, known for leading by example. Together, they provided $40,000 in matching funds to incentivize giving. This achievement speaks to the shared belief that FFA continues to be a sound investment for its members, their communities, and the future of agriculture.
Integral to the campaign's success was the active involvement of FFA members and chapters—the very recipients of the funding raised by the Foundation. FFA chapters and members played a significant role in personally raising $15,274, with 46% of the funds contributed by 19 FFA chapters. This impressive show of support illustrates FFA members cultivating a culture of giving.
This outstanding achievement reflects the strong sense of community and commitment among FFA members, alumni, and supporters in New York State. Funds raised on Give FFA Day will make their way to our members through travel stipends, scholarships, project grants, FFA jackets, and many state level initiatives.
In a resounding celebration of unwavering support for FFA, Todd Lighthall, Executive Director of the New York FFA Leadership Training Foundation, Inc., proudly announces the unprecedented success of the 2024 Give FFA Day campaign. Held in conjunction with National FFA Week, the initiative not only surpassed previous years' achievements but set new records for participation and fundraising, benefiting FFA students in agricultural education.
New York State emerged as the top participant among the 52 state and territory associations in the campaign, securing 15.6% of the National FFA Organization's 2,509 donations. This accomplishment is particularly noteworthy as New York represents less than 1% of the organization's total membership. The state's commitment to FFA students and agricultural education was clearly demonstrated on a national scale.
Of the 391 donors, 143 were first-time contributors, constituting 36% of the total. This surge in first-time donors reflects 367% increase, highlighting the campaign's ability to engage and attract new supporters. The financial success of the campaign is equally remarkable, with a total of $108,215 raised. New York's contribution was 8.1% of National’s total of $1,332,067, further emphasizing the state's outsized impact on the nationwide effort.
The campaign gained early momentum through the commitment of five generous and forward-thinking supporters, known for leading by example. Together, they provided $40,000 in matching funds to incentivize giving. This achievement speaks to the shared belief that FFA continues to be a sound investment for its members, their communities, and the future of agriculture.
Integral to the campaign's success was the active involvement of FFA members and chapters—the very recipients of the funding raised by the Foundation. FFA chapters and members played a significant role in personally raising $15,274, with 46% of the funds contributed by 19 FFA chapters. This impressive show of support illustrates FFA members cultivating a culture of giving.
This outstanding achievement reflects the strong sense of community and commitment among FFA members, alumni, and supporters in New York State. Funds raised on Give FFA Day will make their way to our members through travel stipends, scholarships, project grants, FFA jackets, and many state level initiatives.
Thank you to our 2024 Give FFA Day donors!
Art Berkey - Daryle & Sharon Foster - Spencer & Judy Gridley - Lowell Sanders - Sam Shapiro
Acre Equity Advisors - Mackenzie Adams - Scott & Connie Aikens - Brandon & Mary Aldous - Stacey Aldous - Anne & Robert Allen - George Allen - JW Allen - Kelly Allen - Rachel Anderson - Jason Andrews - Jackie & Jason Armento - Andrew Armstrong - James & KaTina Aucter - Crystal Aukema - Charles & Karen Ax - Nicole Ayers - Lori Bailey - Jenn Barber - David & Kelly Bartholf - John Bates - Heather Bates - Tedra Bean - Bruce & Kelley Beauharnois - Sara Beaver - Beller Family Farms - Kevin Bemis - Richard Bennett - Shari Bennett-Rice - John & Jeanne Bensen - John Birmingham - Jim Bittner - Melanie Blaisure - Layla Blodgett - Ellen Bogardus - Carlie Bossard - Hauk Boyes - Gary Bradley - Rebecca Breese - Liam Brody - Sarah Bronson - Ann Marie Brosnan - Seth Browe - Kait Burns - Terry & Cyndee Burton - Carrie Busekist - John Busekist - Homer Bushey - Byron Bergen FFA - Abraham Cady - Richard Campany - Canton FFA - Andrea Capron - Anna Cardoze - Emily Carey - Katie & Derek Carpenter - Zachary Chenier - Shandell Christensen-Davis - Richard & Jayce Church - Ava Ciborowski - Natalia Ciborowski - Jonathan & Rachael Clayson - Cobleskill-Richmondville FFA - Mason Cohn - Robert Cohn - Adam & Victoria Collins - Jennifer Cook - Cheryl Coolbaugh - Catherine Coombe - Dwight Coombe - Patrick Coombe - Philip Coombe - Rebecca Coombe - Ric & Karen Coombe - Richard & Phyllis Coombe - Howard & Nancy Cornell - Matthew Costello - Charles Couture - Anthony & Melissa Cronk - Michael Dahl - Nicole Dalessandro - Ronald Davis - Wade Dean - John Deasy - Steven DeBuck - Janet DeCarlo - Elizabeth Denning - Roy Denniston - Charlotte DePersis - Lori Detraglia - Aldona Devincent - Perry Dewey - Phil Dickler - Kathleen Dolan - Double A Custom Harvesting - Kimberly Doyle - Kelly Driver-Haynes - Melvin Dye - Kaylee Eaton - Barbara Edgar - Annissa Edwards - Walter & Mary Elmore - Joe & Andrea Elward - Bruce & Kathleen Erath - Erie County Fair & Ag Society - Herb Eschbach - Kristi Fellion - John & Mariann Fessenden - Samuel Fessenden - Leah Figary - Marcie Finch - Stephanie Finn - Mark & Deborah Fletcher - Michael Flinton - Pat Ford - KristiAnn Frank - Amanda Frederick - Megan Friscia - Heather Frost - Ruth Frost - Lucas Fuess - Mary-Lou Genaway - Kendall Gentille - Daniel Geoghan - Lindsey Gerstenslager - Samuel Getman - Eric Goldstein - Greg Goldstein - Joseph Gould - Faith Graham - Deboarh Greek - Matt & Krisha Greene - Greenwich FFA - Herbert & Sandra Gregory - Vicky Gregory - Chris Gridley - Claire Griffin - Groton FFA - Kathy Guenther - Kenneth Hance - Elise Handler - Emily Hardy - Sarah & Joshua Hartwell - Cooper Harvey - Trudy Haskell - Corinn Haskin - Brian Head - Brooke Head - Jonathan & Danielle Head - Mark & Molly Henderson - Jennifer Henderson-Catteruccia - Elsie & Gary Herzig - Forrest Hess - Matthew Hibbard - Derek Hill - Kendall Hinman - Carmella Hoffman - Richard Hoffman - Daniel Hooker - Patrick & Karen Hooker - Marcia Hostetter - Lyle Hotis - Emily Hough - Jessie Howe - Terry & Lois Hughes - Sarah Hulick - Rochelle Hulton - Paige Hungerford - Molly Huttar - Berkley Ingram - Pablo & Ann Iparraguirre - Lucas Irwin - Terry Ives - Michelle & Matt Jacobsen - Patti Jarosinski - Charles Jenison - James Jensen - Amelia Jenson - Jeanne Johnson - Renee Johnson - Rickard & Kathleen Jones - Allyson Jones-Brimmer - Catherine Jones-Brimmer - April Kackos - Lewis Kargman - Chris Keller - Chris Kelly - Patrick Kelly - Kelly Kerstetter - Amy Kesler - Gerald & Carolyn Killigrew - Katherine Kirk - Laura Knights-Riley - Sally Knox - Evan Kraiza - TJ & Ang Kraus - Debbie Kren-Schwarting - John Kriese - Laura Kwilos - Emily LaClair - Nicole LaFave - Megan Lamb - Neil & Beth Lamb - Roni Langtry - Susan Lanning - Larry Romance & Son Inc. - Eric Larsen - Lynn Lee - Kate Leming - Teresa Lenart - Danielle Lentz - Lee Levine - Dianne Lewis - James & Cassandra Lewis - Valerie Lewis - Hanna Lighthall - Raymond & Barbara Lighthall - Todd & Shari Lighthall - Nathan Lundquist - Madison FFA - Chelsey Mahany - Marathon FFA - Fred & Margot Marcus - Mari Martin - Maria Martinez - Amy Maxwell - Gene & Vicky McCaffrey - Kathlyn McCarthy - Kevin & Marie McCarthy - James & Judith McClay - Stewart McDonough - Kate McDowell - Kimberly McKown - Robin McLean - Kimberly Michel - Ethan Mies - Joe & Cindy Miller - Margaret Miller - Tina Miner-James - Barbara & Steve Moda - Darren Mongardi - Bill & Patsy Moody - Moravia FFA - Mount Markham FFA - John Moylett - Kaylin Mozdzen - Mary Ann Murphy - Erin Murray - Matt Nabel - Calvin & Lisa Nichols - William Nohle - Tracie Nolley - Raymond Nourse - Brittany Novick - Meagan O'Brien - Karl & Marita Oertel - Matthew Olson - Erin Parnapy - Jeff Parnapy - Kenneth & Janet Parnapy - Penn Yan FFA - Erin Perkins - Jeff & Rebecca Perry - Perry FFA - Richard Petrie - Deb Phillips - Susan Pinckney - Kelly Pingrey - Pioneer FFA - Carolyn Price - William & Mary Ann Ransom - Janine Rasmussen - Gabriel Rater - Paul Redmond - Corey Reed - Dan & JoAnne Reed - Cat Reeder - Deborah Reineke - Remsen FFA - Ivy Jean Reynolds - Stephanie Rhoades - Betty Robinson - Robert & Martha Robinson - Tadd & Jennifer Rollins - Taylor Rollins - Justin & Danielle Romance - Catie Rowe - Michele Rowe - Renwick Russell - Glenna Ryan - Arrianna Salvinski - Jonny Salvinski - Amy Sanderson - Mark & Elizabeth Sanok - Amelia Scarlata - Josh Schieferstine - Michael Settle - Sharon Springs FFA - John Sheeley - Alana Sheldon - Joe Shultz - Kaylie & Joshua Siddall - Sidney FFA - Peter & Judy Signor - Jessica & Eric Silverman - Julie Simmons - Rebecca Singer - Hunter Smigel - Sarah Smigel - Travis Smigel - Ashley Smith - Chris Smith - Erin Smith - Jen Smith - Kate Smith - Steven Smith - Gary & Doreen Snider - Paul & Mary Snider - Wesley Snyder - Sharon Spies - Lori Staib - Kayla Stanton - Barb & Lynn Staring - Carl States - Emma Stein - Roger Stewart - Mary Stine - Stockbridge Valley FFA - William Stowell - Jonathan Strain - Rick & Vonnie Strangeway - Michelle Strub - Sullivan West FFA - Gary Swan - Jessica Swingle - Tristan Swingle - Courtney Taibi - Jamie & Amber Thibodeau - Julie Thomas - Paige Thorne - Kyle Thygesen - Juleah Tolosky - Sandy & Michelle Tolosky - Mary Tomeo - Tri-Valley FFA - Russell Turner - Julia Uhrinek - Ella Underberg - Mark & Jessica Underberg - Ken & Tonya Van Slyke - Michele Van Wormer - Laura & Sam Villanti - Grace Volt - Joanna von Seydewitz - Lori von Seydewitz Emmons - John & Theresa Wagner - Bill & Robin Waite - Lynn Waite - Patty Waldron - Jennifer & Brian Walrath - Jay Waltz - Jennifer Watson - Paul Webster - Rick & Sarah Welsh - Marie Western - Nellie Whelden - Christopher Whipple - Roger White - Brenna Wilday - Kelsey Williamson - Nancy Wolcott - Veronique & Kevin Woloszyn - Susie Woodward - Mark & Jan Woodworth - Bruce & Anita Wright - Carol Wright - Siobhan Young
Art Berkey - Daryle & Sharon Foster - Spencer & Judy Gridley - Lowell Sanders - Sam Shapiro
Acre Equity Advisors - Mackenzie Adams - Scott & Connie Aikens - Brandon & Mary Aldous - Stacey Aldous - Anne & Robert Allen - George Allen - JW Allen - Kelly Allen - Rachel Anderson - Jason Andrews - Jackie & Jason Armento - Andrew Armstrong - James & KaTina Aucter - Crystal Aukema - Charles & Karen Ax - Nicole Ayers - Lori Bailey - Jenn Barber - David & Kelly Bartholf - John Bates - Heather Bates - Tedra Bean - Bruce & Kelley Beauharnois - Sara Beaver - Beller Family Farms - Kevin Bemis - Richard Bennett - Shari Bennett-Rice - John & Jeanne Bensen - John Birmingham - Jim Bittner - Melanie Blaisure - Layla Blodgett - Ellen Bogardus - Carlie Bossard - Hauk Boyes - Gary Bradley - Rebecca Breese - Liam Brody - Sarah Bronson - Ann Marie Brosnan - Seth Browe - Kait Burns - Terry & Cyndee Burton - Carrie Busekist - John Busekist - Homer Bushey - Byron Bergen FFA - Abraham Cady - Richard Campany - Canton FFA - Andrea Capron - Anna Cardoze - Emily Carey - Katie & Derek Carpenter - Zachary Chenier - Shandell Christensen-Davis - Richard & Jayce Church - Ava Ciborowski - Natalia Ciborowski - Jonathan & Rachael Clayson - Cobleskill-Richmondville FFA - Mason Cohn - Robert Cohn - Adam & Victoria Collins - Jennifer Cook - Cheryl Coolbaugh - Catherine Coombe - Dwight Coombe - Patrick Coombe - Philip Coombe - Rebecca Coombe - Ric & Karen Coombe - Richard & Phyllis Coombe - Howard & Nancy Cornell - Matthew Costello - Charles Couture - Anthony & Melissa Cronk - Michael Dahl - Nicole Dalessandro - Ronald Davis - Wade Dean - John Deasy - Steven DeBuck - Janet DeCarlo - Elizabeth Denning - Roy Denniston - Charlotte DePersis - Lori Detraglia - Aldona Devincent - Perry Dewey - Phil Dickler - Kathleen Dolan - Double A Custom Harvesting - Kimberly Doyle - Kelly Driver-Haynes - Melvin Dye - Kaylee Eaton - Barbara Edgar - Annissa Edwards - Walter & Mary Elmore - Joe & Andrea Elward - Bruce & Kathleen Erath - Erie County Fair & Ag Society - Herb Eschbach - Kristi Fellion - John & Mariann Fessenden - Samuel Fessenden - Leah Figary - Marcie Finch - Stephanie Finn - Mark & Deborah Fletcher - Michael Flinton - Pat Ford - KristiAnn Frank - Amanda Frederick - Megan Friscia - Heather Frost - Ruth Frost - Lucas Fuess - Mary-Lou Genaway - Kendall Gentille - Daniel Geoghan - Lindsey Gerstenslager - Samuel Getman - Eric Goldstein - Greg Goldstein - Joseph Gould - Faith Graham - Deboarh Greek - Matt & Krisha Greene - Greenwich FFA - Herbert & Sandra Gregory - Vicky Gregory - Chris Gridley - Claire Griffin - Groton FFA - Kathy Guenther - Kenneth Hance - Elise Handler - Emily Hardy - Sarah & Joshua Hartwell - Cooper Harvey - Trudy Haskell - Corinn Haskin - Brian Head - Brooke Head - Jonathan & Danielle Head - Mark & Molly Henderson - Jennifer Henderson-Catteruccia - Elsie & Gary Herzig - Forrest Hess - Matthew Hibbard - Derek Hill - Kendall Hinman - Carmella Hoffman - Richard Hoffman - Daniel Hooker - Patrick & Karen Hooker - Marcia Hostetter - Lyle Hotis - Emily Hough - Jessie Howe - Terry & Lois Hughes - Sarah Hulick - Rochelle Hulton - Paige Hungerford - Molly Huttar - Berkley Ingram - Pablo & Ann Iparraguirre - Lucas Irwin - Terry Ives - Michelle & Matt Jacobsen - Patti Jarosinski - Charles Jenison - James Jensen - Amelia Jenson - Jeanne Johnson - Renee Johnson - Rickard & Kathleen Jones - Allyson Jones-Brimmer - Catherine Jones-Brimmer - April Kackos - Lewis Kargman - Chris Keller - Chris Kelly - Patrick Kelly - Kelly Kerstetter - Amy Kesler - Gerald & Carolyn Killigrew - Katherine Kirk - Laura Knights-Riley - Sally Knox - Evan Kraiza - TJ & Ang Kraus - Debbie Kren-Schwarting - John Kriese - Laura Kwilos - Emily LaClair - Nicole LaFave - Megan Lamb - Neil & Beth Lamb - Roni Langtry - Susan Lanning - Larry Romance & Son Inc. - Eric Larsen - Lynn Lee - Kate Leming - Teresa Lenart - Danielle Lentz - Lee Levine - Dianne Lewis - James & Cassandra Lewis - Valerie Lewis - Hanna Lighthall - Raymond & Barbara Lighthall - Todd & Shari Lighthall - Nathan Lundquist - Madison FFA - Chelsey Mahany - Marathon FFA - Fred & Margot Marcus - Mari Martin - Maria Martinez - Amy Maxwell - Gene & Vicky McCaffrey - Kathlyn McCarthy - Kevin & Marie McCarthy - James & Judith McClay - Stewart McDonough - Kate McDowell - Kimberly McKown - Robin McLean - Kimberly Michel - Ethan Mies - Joe & Cindy Miller - Margaret Miller - Tina Miner-James - Barbara & Steve Moda - Darren Mongardi - Bill & Patsy Moody - Moravia FFA - Mount Markham FFA - John Moylett - Kaylin Mozdzen - Mary Ann Murphy - Erin Murray - Matt Nabel - Calvin & Lisa Nichols - William Nohle - Tracie Nolley - Raymond Nourse - Brittany Novick - Meagan O'Brien - Karl & Marita Oertel - Matthew Olson - Erin Parnapy - Jeff Parnapy - Kenneth & Janet Parnapy - Penn Yan FFA - Erin Perkins - Jeff & Rebecca Perry - Perry FFA - Richard Petrie - Deb Phillips - Susan Pinckney - Kelly Pingrey - Pioneer FFA - Carolyn Price - William & Mary Ann Ransom - Janine Rasmussen - Gabriel Rater - Paul Redmond - Corey Reed - Dan & JoAnne Reed - Cat Reeder - Deborah Reineke - Remsen FFA - Ivy Jean Reynolds - Stephanie Rhoades - Betty Robinson - Robert & Martha Robinson - Tadd & Jennifer Rollins - Taylor Rollins - Justin & Danielle Romance - Catie Rowe - Michele Rowe - Renwick Russell - Glenna Ryan - Arrianna Salvinski - Jonny Salvinski - Amy Sanderson - Mark & Elizabeth Sanok - Amelia Scarlata - Josh Schieferstine - Michael Settle - Sharon Springs FFA - John Sheeley - Alana Sheldon - Joe Shultz - Kaylie & Joshua Siddall - Sidney FFA - Peter & Judy Signor - Jessica & Eric Silverman - Julie Simmons - Rebecca Singer - Hunter Smigel - Sarah Smigel - Travis Smigel - Ashley Smith - Chris Smith - Erin Smith - Jen Smith - Kate Smith - Steven Smith - Gary & Doreen Snider - Paul & Mary Snider - Wesley Snyder - Sharon Spies - Lori Staib - Kayla Stanton - Barb & Lynn Staring - Carl States - Emma Stein - Roger Stewart - Mary Stine - Stockbridge Valley FFA - William Stowell - Jonathan Strain - Rick & Vonnie Strangeway - Michelle Strub - Sullivan West FFA - Gary Swan - Jessica Swingle - Tristan Swingle - Courtney Taibi - Jamie & Amber Thibodeau - Julie Thomas - Paige Thorne - Kyle Thygesen - Juleah Tolosky - Sandy & Michelle Tolosky - Mary Tomeo - Tri-Valley FFA - Russell Turner - Julia Uhrinek - Ella Underberg - Mark & Jessica Underberg - Ken & Tonya Van Slyke - Michele Van Wormer - Laura & Sam Villanti - Grace Volt - Joanna von Seydewitz - Lori von Seydewitz Emmons - John & Theresa Wagner - Bill & Robin Waite - Lynn Waite - Patty Waldron - Jennifer & Brian Walrath - Jay Waltz - Jennifer Watson - Paul Webster - Rick & Sarah Welsh - Marie Western - Nellie Whelden - Christopher Whipple - Roger White - Brenna Wilday - Kelsey Williamson - Nancy Wolcott - Veronique & Kevin Woloszyn - Susie Woodward - Mark & Jan Woodworth - Bruce & Anita Wright - Carol Wright - Siobhan Young
Lifetime donor of the NY FFA Foundation, Art spoke with conviction when he shared his personal motivation to support Give FFA Day. "I support the NY FFA Foundation because, as a former agriculture teacher I have personally experienced how the FFA/Agriculture program creates transformational experiences and life-changing opportunities for FFA students."
NY FFA Foundation Lifetime Donors, Daryle & Sharon Foster see the value of having those who benefit from funding play a role in securing the funds. “Investment in our Agricultural Education youth and future citizens is both wise and productive. My first encounter with NY FFA was at Oswegatchie in the summer of 1962. A former Foundation Board Member, the Foster family is proud to support youth involved in agriculture.
Retired John Bowne Ag teacher Sam Shapiro will again match Give FFA Day gifts, dollar for dollar, up to $10K. "No one better prepares leaders for the next generation than FFA," Sam said. "I have supported FFA for over 50 years and am so proud to be associated with the best of America's youth. There is no downside to the investment we make in our FFA members."
Retired Sidney NY teachers Spencer and Judy Gridley make their gifts based on the impact they will have. "As a Give FFA Day matcher, we will see the impact of our gift twice, once as it inspires others to give during the campaign itself and when it benefits FFA members and chapters," Spencer said. Spencer and Judy will match gifts, dollar for dollar, up to $5K.
Lowell Sanders, a longtime donor of the NY FFA Foundation, will match Give FFA Day gifts, dollar for dollar, up to $5K. Lowell shares, "Matching gifts amplify the impact of giving and are a great way to secure even more support for NY FFA. I am happy to help NY FFA in this way."